Clotilde Dedecker - Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
Timothy Hogues - Erie County
Malik Stubbs - Breaking Barriers, Greater Buffalo Racial Equity Roundtable

In Buffalo, Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo launched the Greater Buffalo Racial Equity Roundtable, a coalition of more than 30 community leaders from public, private, nonprofits and faith institutions convened to advance racial equity and promote the change required to accelerate a shared regional prosperity. This session, building on the earlier panel discussion, will provide a deeper dive into the story of this effort and its agenda for creating conditions that support systems change. This conversation with Buffalo community leaders and partners will cover a range of themes, including how a commitment to addressing structural racism was identified as a core objective in the community, the structure of the Racial Equity Roundtable and key partners (more than 300!), learnings, progress to-date, and vision for the evolution of the work.